Monday, May 6, 2013

Holden Caulfield

Patient name: Holden Caulfield
Age: 16
School: Pencey Prep (Expelled)
Hair color: black
Ethnicity: White

I met with my new patient, Holden Caulfield, today for our intial interview. Preliminary evalution indicates his appearence of clothing to be with no effort. The terrible stench of cigarettes on his clothing had entered the room as he did so I assumed that he was a smoker. As we talked about his life he said that the most people are phonies which concluded the relationships of his social life. Every question I asked had an adventurous and interesting story that made the many lies seep through his teeth. The red hat that he wore was completely filty and rugged which showed sentimental value of his hat. Also as I observed his red hat, I could see the many grey hairs peeking out of the holes on his hat. The grey hairs is a sign of stress which made me realize why he smokes and drinks. He didn't show much emotion when we talking I asked how he was and he said "what's it to you" I assumed that he had neutral feelings and seemed to be careless about what people thought about him. So after the observations I began to ask him on his thoughts of why he was here, he said," everyone thinks I need help." I looked to over after I took notes and I noticed the expression of anger and so I ask, "what makes you mad, sad or frustrated?" He replied as he clenched his fist," There's a word I really hate. It's a phony." I asked him what he meant as a phony and he answered,"Everyone. Everyone is a phony." He attitude changed as we talked about the "phonies" and so I told him that we would continue this tomorrow.

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